Source code for ceres

# Copyright 2011 Chris Davis
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Ceres requires Python 2.7 or newer
import itertools
import os
import struct
import json
import errno
from math import isnan
from os.path import isdir, exists, join, dirname, abspath, getsize, getmtime
from glob import glob
from bisect import bisect_left

izip = getattr(itertools, 'izip', zip)

  import fcntl
  CAN_LOCK = True
except ImportError:
  CAN_LOCK = False

NAN = float('nan')
SLICE_AGGREGATION_METHODS = ['average', 'sum', 'last', 'max', 'min']
DIR_PERMS = 0o755

[docs]class CeresTree(object): """Represents a tree of Ceres metrics contained within a single path on disk This is the primary Ceres API. :param root: The directory root of the Ceres tree .. note:: Use :func:`createTree` to initialize and instantiate a new CeresTree .. seealso:: :func:`setDefaultNodeCachingBehavior` to adjust caching behavior """ def __init__(self, root): if isdir(root): self.root = abspath(root) else: raise ValueError("Invalid root directory '%s'" % root) self.nodeCache = {} self.nodeCachingBehavior = DEFAULT_NODE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR def __repr__(self): return "<CeresTree[0x%x]: %s>" % (id(self), self.root) __str__ = __repr__ @classmethod
[docs] def createTree(cls, root, **props): """Create and returns a new Ceres tree with the given properties :param root: The root directory of the new Ceres tree :param \*\*props: Arbitrary key-value properties to store as tree metadata :returns: :class:`CeresTree` """ ceresDir = join(root, '.ceres-tree') if not isdir(ceresDir): os.makedirs(ceresDir, DIR_PERMS) for prop, value in props.items(): propFile = join(ceresDir, prop) with open(propFile, 'w') as fh: fh.write(str(value)) return cls(root)
[docs] def walk(self, **kwargs): """Iterate through the nodes contained in this :class:`CeresTree` :param \*\*kwargs: Options to pass to :func:`os.walk` :returns: An iterator yielding :class:`CeresNode` objects """ for (fsPath, subdirs, filenames) in os.walk(self.root, **kwargs): if CeresNode.isNodeDir(fsPath): nodePath = self.getNodePath(fsPath) yield CeresNode(self, nodePath, fsPath)
[docs] def getFilesystemPath(self, nodePath): """Get the on-disk path of a Ceres node given a metric name :param nodePath: A metric name e.g. ``carbon.agents.graphite-a.cpuUsage`` :returns: The Ceres node path on disk""" return join(self.root, nodePath.replace('.', os.sep))
[docs] def getNodePath(self, fsPath): """Get the metric name of a Ceres node given the on-disk path :param fsPath: The filesystem path of a Ceres node :returns: A metric name :raises ValueError: When `fsPath` is not a path within the :class:`CeresTree` """ fsPath = abspath(fsPath) if not fsPath.startswith(self.root): raise ValueError("path '%s' not beneath tree root '%s'" % (fsPath, self.root)) nodePath = fsPath[len(self.root):].strip(os.sep).replace(os.sep, '.') return nodePath
[docs] def hasNode(self, nodePath): """Returns whether the Ceres tree contains the given metric :param nodePath: A metric name e.g. ``carbon.agents.graphite-a.cpuUsage`` :returns: `True` or `False`""" return isdir(self.getFilesystemPath(nodePath))
[docs] def setNodeCachingBehavior(self, behavior): """Set node caching behavior. :param behavior: See :func:`getNode` for valid behavior values """ behavior = behavior.lower() if behavior not in ('none', 'all'): raise ValueError("invalid caching behavior '%s'" % behavior) self.nodeCachingBehavior = behavior self.nodeCache = {}
[docs] def getNode(self, nodePath): """Returns a Ceres node given a metric name. Because nodes are looked up in every read and write, a caching mechanism is provided. Cache behavior is set using :func:`setNodeCachingBehavior` and defaults to the value set in ``DEFAULT_NODE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR`` The following behaviors are available: * `none` - Node is read from the filesystem at every access. * `all` (default) - All nodes are cached. :param nodePath: A metric name :returns: :class:`CeresNode` or `None` """ if self.nodeCachingBehavior == 'all': if nodePath not in self.nodeCache: fsPath = self.getFilesystemPath(nodePath) if CeresNode.isNodeDir(fsPath): self.nodeCache[nodePath] = CeresNode(self, nodePath, fsPath) else: return None return self.nodeCache[nodePath] elif self.nodeCachingBehavior == 'none': fsPath = self.getFilesystemPath(nodePath) if CeresNode.isNodeDir(fsPath): return CeresNode(self, nodePath, fsPath) else: return None else: raise ValueError("invalid caching behavior configured '%s'" % self.nodeCachingBehavior)
[docs] def find(self, nodePattern, fromTime=None, untilTime=None): """Find nodes which match a wildcard pattern, optionally filtering on a time range :param nodePattern: A glob-style metric wildcard :param fromTime: Optional interval start time in unix-epoch. :param untilTime: Optional interval end time in unix-epoch. :returns: An iterator yielding :class:`CeresNode` objects """ for fsPath in glob(self.getFilesystemPath(nodePattern)): if CeresNode.isNodeDir(fsPath): nodePath = self.getNodePath(fsPath) node = self.getNode(nodePath) if fromTime is None and untilTime is None: yield node elif node.hasDataForInterval(fromTime, untilTime): yield node
[docs] def createNode(self, nodePath, **properties): """Creates a new metric given a new metric name and optional per-node metadata :param nodePath: The new metric name. :param \*\*properties: Arbitrary key-value properties to store as metric metadata. :returns: :class:`CeresNode` """ return CeresNode.create(self, nodePath, **properties)
[docs] def store(self, nodePath, datapoints): """Store a list of datapoints associated with a metric :param nodePath: The metric name to write to e.g. ``carbon.agents.graphite-a.cpuUsage`` :param datapoints: A list of datapoint tuples: ``[(timestamp, value), ...]`` """ node = self.getNode(nodePath) if node is None: raise NodeNotFound("The node '%s' does not exist in this tree" % nodePath) node.write(datapoints)
[docs] def fetch(self, nodePath, fromTime, untilTime): """Fetch data within a given interval from the given metric :param nodePath: The metric name to fetch from :param fromTime: Requested interval start time in unix-epoch. :param untilTime: Requested interval end time in unix-epoch. :returns: :class:`TimeSeriesData` :raises: :class:`NodeNotFound`, :class:`InvalidRequest` """ node = self.getNode(nodePath) if not node: raise NodeNotFound("the node '%s' does not exist in this tree" % nodePath) return, untilTime)
[docs]class CeresNode(object): """A :class:`CeresNode` represents a single time-series metric of a given `timeStep` (its seconds-per-point resolution) and containing arbitrary key-value metadata. A :class:`CeresNode` is associated with its most precise `timeStep`. This `timeStep` is the finest resolution that can be used for writing, though a :class:`CeresNode` can contain and read data with other, less-precise `timeStep` values in its underlying :class:`CeresSlice` data. :param tree: The :class:`CeresTree` this node is associated with :param nodePath: The name of the metric this node represents :param fsPath: The filesystem path of this metric .. note:: This class generally should be instantiated through use of :class:`CeresTree`. See :func:`CeresTree.createNode` and :func:`CeresTree.getNode` .. seealso:: :func:`setDefaultSliceCachingBehavior` to adjust caching behavior """ __slots__ = ('tree', 'nodePath', 'fsPath', 'metadataFile', 'timeStep', 'aggregationMethod', 'sliceCache', 'sliceCachingBehavior') def __init__(self, tree, nodePath, fsPath): self.tree = tree self.nodePath = nodePath self.fsPath = fsPath self.metadataFile = join(fsPath, '.ceres-node') self.timeStep = None self.aggregationMethod = 'average' self.sliceCache = None self.sliceCachingBehavior = DEFAULT_SLICE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR def __repr__(self): return "<CeresNode[0x%x]: %s>" % (id(self), self.nodePath) __str__ = __repr__ @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, tree, nodePath, **properties): """Create a new :class:`CeresNode` on disk with the specified properties. :param tree: The :class:`CeresTree` this node is associated with :param nodePath: The name of the metric this node represents :param \*\*properties: A set of key-value properties to be associated with this node A :class:`CeresNode` always has the `timeStep` property which is an integer value representing the precision of the node in seconds-per-datapoint. E.g. a value of ``60`` represents one datapoint per minute. If no `timeStep` is specified at creation, the value of ``ceres.DEFAULT_TIMESTEP`` is used :returns: :class:`CeresNode` """ # Create the node directory fsPath = tree.getFilesystemPath(nodePath) os.makedirs(fsPath, DIR_PERMS) properties['timeStep'] = properties.get('timeStep', DEFAULT_TIMESTEP) # Create the initial metadata node = cls(tree, nodePath, fsPath) node.writeMetadata(properties) # Create the initial data file # timeStep = properties['timeStep'] # now = int( time.time() ) # baseTime = now - (now % timeStep) # slice = CeresSlice.create(node, baseTime, timeStep) return node
[docs] def isNodeDir(path): """Tests whether the given path is a :class:`CeresNode` :param path: Path to test :returns `True` or `False` """ return isdir(path) and exists(join(path, '.ceres-node'))
[docs] def fromFilesystemPath(cls, fsPath): """Instantiate a :class:`CeresNode` from the on-disk path of an existing node :params fsPath: The filesystem path of an existing node :returns: :class:`CeresNode` """ dirPath = dirname(fsPath) while True: ceresDir = join(dirPath, '.ceres-tree') if isdir(ceresDir): tree = CeresTree(dirPath) nodePath = tree.getNodePath(fsPath) return cls(tree, nodePath, fsPath) dirPath = dirname(dirPath) if dirPath == '/': raise ValueError("the path '%s' is not in a ceres tree" % fsPath)
@property def slice_info(self): """A property providing a list of current information about each slice :returns: ``[(startTime, endTime, timeStep), ...]`` """ return [(slice.startTime, slice.endTime, slice.timeStep) for slice in self.slices]
[docs] def readMetadata(self): """Update node metadata from disk :raises: :class:`CorruptNode` """ with open(self.metadataFile, 'r') as fh: try: metadata = json.load(fh) self.timeStep = int(metadata['timeStep']) if metadata.get('aggregationMethod'): self.aggregationMethod = metadata['aggregationMethod'] return metadata except (KeyError, IOError, ValueError) as e: raise CorruptNode(self, "Unable to parse node metadata: %s" % e.args)
[docs] def writeMetadata(self, metadata): """Writes new metadata to disk :param metadata: a JSON-serializable dict of node metadata """ self.timeStep = int(metadata['timeStep']) with open(self.metadataFile, 'w') as fh: json.dump(metadata, fh)
@property def slices(self): """A property providing access to information about this node's underlying slices. Because this information is accessed in every read and write, a caching mechanism is provided. Cache behavior is set using :func:`setSliceCachingBehavior` and defaults to the value set in ``DEFAULT_SLICE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR`` The following behaviors are available: * `none` (default) - Slice information is read from the filesystem at every access * `latest` - The latest slice is served from cache, all others from disk. Reads and writes of recent data are most likely to be in the latest slice * `all` - All slices are cached. The cache is only refreshed on new slice creation or deletion :returns: ``[(startTime, timeStep), ...]`` """ if self.sliceCache: if self.sliceCachingBehavior == 'all': for slice in self.sliceCache: yield slice elif self.sliceCachingBehavior == 'latest': yield self.sliceCache infos = self.readSlices() for info in infos[1:]: yield CeresSlice(self, *info) else: if self.sliceCachingBehavior == 'all': self.sliceCache = [CeresSlice(self, *info) for info in self.readSlices()] for slice in self.sliceCache: yield slice elif self.sliceCachingBehavior == 'latest': infos = self.readSlices() if infos: self.sliceCache = CeresSlice(self, *infos[0]) yield self.sliceCache for info in infos[1:]: yield CeresSlice(self, *info) elif self.sliceCachingBehavior == 'none': for info in self.readSlices(): yield CeresSlice(self, *info) else: raise ValueError("invalid caching behavior configured '%s'" % self.sliceCachingBehavior)
[docs] def readSlices(self): """Read slice information from disk :returns: ``[(startTime, timeStep), ...]`` """ if not exists(self.fsPath): raise NodeDeleted() slice_info = [] for filename in os.listdir(self.fsPath): if filename.endswith('.slice'): startTime, timeStep = filename[:-6].split('@') slice_info.append((int(startTime), int(timeStep))) slice_info.sort(reverse=True) return slice_info
[docs] def setSliceCachingBehavior(self, behavior): """Set slice caching behavior. :param behavior: See :func:`slices` for valid behavior values """ behavior = behavior.lower() if behavior not in ('none', 'all', 'latest'): raise ValueError("invalid caching behavior '%s'" % behavior) self.sliceCachingBehavior = behavior self.sliceCache = None
[docs] def clearSliceCache(self): """Clear slice cache, forcing a refresh from disk at the next access""" self.sliceCache = None
[docs] def hasDataForInterval(self, fromTime, untilTime): """Test whether this node has any data in the given time interval. All slices are inspected which will trigger a read of slice information from disk if slice cache behavior is set to `latest` or `none` (See :func:`slices`) :param fromTime: Beginning of interval in unix epoch seconds :param untilTime: End of interval in unix epoch seconds :returns `True` or `False` """ slices = list(self.slices) if not slices: return False earliestData = slices[-1].startTime latestData = slices[0].endTime return ((fromTime is None) or (fromTime < latestData)) and \ ((untilTime is None) or (untilTime > earliestData))
[docs] def read(self, fromTime, untilTime): """Read data from underlying slices and return as a single time-series :param fromTime: Beginning of interval in unix epoch seconds :param untilTime: End of interval in unix epoch seconds :returns: :class:`TimeSeriesData` """ if self.timeStep is None: self.readMetadata() # Normalize the timestamps to fit proper intervals fromTime = int(fromTime - (fromTime % self.timeStep)) untilTime = int(untilTime - (untilTime % self.timeStep)) sliceBoundary = None # to know when to split up queries across slices resultValues = [] earliestData = None timeStep = self.timeStep method = self.aggregationMethod for slice in self.slices: # If there was a prior slice covering the requested interval, dont ask for that data again if (sliceBoundary is not None) and untilTime > sliceBoundary: requestUntilTime = sliceBoundary else: requestUntilTime = untilTime # if the requested interval starts after the start of this slice if fromTime >= slice.startTime: try: series =, requestUntilTime) except NoData: break if series.timeStep != timeStep: if len(resultValues) == 0: # First slice holding series data, this becomes the default timeStep. timeStep = series.timeStep elif series.timeStep < timeStep: # Series is at a different precision, aggregate to fit our current set. series.values = aggregateSeries(method, series.timeStep, timeStep, series.values) else: # Normalize current set to fit new series data. resultValues = aggregateSeries(method, timeStep, series.timeStep, resultValues) timeStep = series.timeStep earliestData = series.startTime rightMissing = (requestUntilTime - series.endTime) // timeStep rightNulls = [None for i in range(rightMissing)] resultValues = series.values + rightNulls + resultValues break # or if slice contains data for part of the requested interval elif untilTime >= slice.startTime: try: series =, requestUntilTime) except NoData: continue if series.timeStep != timeStep: if len(resultValues) == 0: # First slice holding series data, this becomes the default timeStep. timeStep = series.timeStep elif series.timeStep < timeStep: # Series is at a different precision, aggregate to fit our current set. series.values = aggregateSeries(method, series.timeStep, timeStep, series.values) else: # Normalize current set to fit new series data. resultValues = aggregateSeries(method, timeStep, series.timeStep, resultValues) timeStep = series.timeStep earliestData = series.startTime rightMissing = (requestUntilTime - series.endTime) // timeStep rightNulls = [None for i in range(rightMissing)] resultValues = series.values + rightNulls + resultValues # this is the right-side boundary on the next iteration sliceBoundary = slice.startTime # The end of the requested interval predates all slices if earliestData is None: missing = int(untilTime - fromTime) // timeStep resultValues = [None for i in range(missing)] # Left pad nulls if the start of the requested interval predates all slices else: leftMissing = (earliestData - fromTime) // timeStep leftNulls = [None for i in range(leftMissing)] resultValues = leftNulls + resultValues return TimeSeriesData(fromTime, untilTime, timeStep, resultValues)
[docs] def write(self, datapoints): """Writes datapoints to underlying slices. Datapoints that round to the same timestamp for the node's `timeStep` will be treated as duplicates and dropped. :param datapoints: List of datapoint tuples ``[(timestamp, value), ...]`` """ if self.timeStep is None: self.readMetadata() if not datapoints: return sequences = self.compact(datapoints) needsEarlierSlice = [] # keep track of sequences that precede all existing slices while sequences: sequence = sequences.pop() timestamps = [t for t, v in sequence] beginningTime = timestamps[0] endingTime = timestamps[-1] sliceBoundary = None # used to prevent writing sequences across slice boundaries slicesExist = False for slice in self.slices: if slice.timeStep != self.timeStep: continue slicesExist = True # truncate sequence so it doesn't cross the slice boundaries if beginningTime >= slice.startTime: if sliceBoundary is None: sequenceWithinSlice = sequence else: # index of highest timestamp that doesn't exceed sliceBoundary boundaryIndex = bisect_left(timestamps, sliceBoundary) sequenceWithinSlice = sequence[:boundaryIndex] try: slice.write(sequenceWithinSlice) except SliceGapTooLarge: newSlice = CeresSlice.create(self, beginningTime, slice.timeStep) newSlice.write(sequenceWithinSlice) self.sliceCache = None except SliceDeleted: self.sliceCache = None self.write(datapoints) # recurse to retry return sequence = [] break # sequence straddles the current slice, write the right side # left side will be taken up in the next slice down elif endingTime >= slice.startTime: # index of lowest timestamp that doesn't precede slice.startTime boundaryIndex = bisect_left(timestamps, slice.startTime) sequenceWithinSlice = sequence[boundaryIndex:] # write the leftovers on the next earlier slice sequence = sequence[:boundaryIndex] slice.write(sequenceWithinSlice) if not sequence: break sliceBoundary = slice.startTime else: # slice list exhausted with stuff still to write needsEarlierSlice.append(sequence) if not slicesExist: sequences.append(sequence) needsEarlierSlice = sequences break for sequence in needsEarlierSlice: slice = CeresSlice.create(self, int(sequence[0][0]), self.timeStep) slice.write(sequence) self.clearSliceCache()
[docs] def compact(self, datapoints): """Compacts datapoints into a list of contiguous, sorted lists of points with duplicate timestamps and null values removed :param datapoints: List of datapoint tuples ``[(timestamp, value), ...]`` :returns: A list of lists of contiguous sorted datapoint tuples ``[[(timestamp, value), ...], ...]`` """ datapoints = sorted(((int(timestamp), float(value)) for timestamp, value in datapoints if value is not None), key=lambda datapoint: datapoint[0]) sequences = [] sequence = [] minimumTimestamp = 0 # used to avoid duplicate intervals for timestamp, value in datapoints: timestamp -= timestamp % self.timeStep # round it down to a proper interval if not sequence: sequence.append((timestamp, value)) else: if timestamp == minimumTimestamp: # overwrite duplicate intervals with latest value sequence[-1] = (timestamp, value) continue if timestamp == sequence[-1][0] + self.timeStep: # append contiguous datapoints sequence.append((timestamp, value)) else: # start a new sequence if not contiguous sequences.append(sequence) sequence = [(timestamp, value)] minimumTimestamp = timestamp if sequence: sequences.append(sequence) return sequences
[docs]class CeresSlice(object): __slots__ = ('node', 'startTime', 'timeStep', 'fsPath') def __init__(self, node, startTime, timeStep): self.node = node self.startTime = startTime self.timeStep = timeStep self.fsPath = join(node.fsPath, '%d@%d.slice' % (startTime, timeStep)) def __repr__(self): return "<CeresSlice[0x%x]: %s>" % (id(self), self.fsPath) __str__ = __repr__ @property def isEmpty(self): return getsize(self.fsPath) == 0 @property def endTime(self): return self.startTime + ((getsize(self.fsPath) // DATAPOINT_SIZE) * self.timeStep) @property def mtime(self): return getmtime(self.fsPath) @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, node, startTime, timeStep): slice = cls(node, startTime, timeStep) fileHandle = open(slice.fsPath, 'wb') fileHandle.close() os.chmod(slice.fsPath, SLICE_PERMS) return slice
[docs] def read(self, fromTime, untilTime): timeOffset = int(fromTime) - self.startTime if timeOffset < 0: raise InvalidRequest("requested time range (%d, %d) precedes this slice: %d" % ( fromTime, untilTime, self.startTime)) pointOffset = timeOffset // self.timeStep byteOffset = pointOffset * DATAPOINT_SIZE if byteOffset >= getsize(self.fsPath): raise NoData() with open(self.fsPath, 'rb') as fileHandle: timeRange = int(untilTime - fromTime) pointRange = timeRange // self.timeStep byteRange = pointRange * DATAPOINT_SIZE packedValues = pointsReturned = len(packedValues) // DATAPOINT_SIZE format = '!' + ('d' * pointsReturned) values = struct.unpack(format, packedValues) values = [v if not isnan(v) else None for v in values] endTime = fromTime + (len(values) * self.timeStep) # print '[DEBUG] startTime=%s fromTime=%s untilTime=%s' % ( # self.startTime, fromTime, untilTime) # print '[DEBUG] timeInfo = (%s, %s, %s)' % (fromTime, endTime, self.timeStep) # print '[DEBUG] values = %s' % str(values) return TimeSeriesData(fromTime, endTime, self.timeStep, values)
[docs] def write(self, sequence): beginningTime = sequence[0][0] timeOffset = beginningTime - self.startTime pointOffset = timeOffset // self.timeStep byteOffset = pointOffset * DATAPOINT_SIZE values = [v for t, v in sequence] format = '!' + ('d' * len(values)) packedValues = struct.pack(format, *values) try: filesize = getsize(self.fsPath) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise SliceDeleted() else: raise byteGap = byteOffset - filesize if byteGap > 0: # pad the allowable gap with nan's pointGap = byteGap // DATAPOINT_SIZE if pointGap > MAX_SLICE_GAP: raise SliceGapTooLarge() else: packedGap = PACKED_NAN * pointGap packedValues = packedGap + packedValues byteOffset -= byteGap with open(self.fsPath, 'r+b') as fileHandle: if LOCK_WRITES: fcntl.flock(fileHandle.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) try: except IOError: # print " IOError: fsPath=%s byteOffset=%d size=%d sequence=%s" % ( # self.fsPath, byteOffset, filesize, sequence) raise fileHandle.write(packedValues)
[docs] def deleteBefore(self, t): if not exists(self.fsPath): raise SliceDeleted() if t % self.timeStep != 0: t = t - (t % self.timeStep) + self.timeStep timeOffset = t - self.startTime if timeOffset < 0: return pointOffset = timeOffset // self.timeStep byteOffset = pointOffset * DATAPOINT_SIZE if not byteOffset: return self.node.clearSliceCache() with open(self.fsPath, 'r+b') as fileHandle: if LOCK_WRITES: fcntl.flock(fileHandle.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) fileData = if fileData: fileHandle.write(fileData) fileHandle.truncate() fileHandle.close() newFsPath = join(dirname(self.fsPath), "%d@%d.slice" % (t, self.timeStep)) os.rename(self.fsPath, newFsPath) else: os.unlink(self.fsPath) raise SliceDeleted()
def __lt__(self, other): return self.startTime < other.startTime
[docs]class TimeSeriesData(object): __slots__ = ('startTime', 'endTime', 'timeStep', 'values') def __init__(self, startTime, endTime, timeStep, values): self.startTime = startTime self.endTime = endTime self.timeStep = timeStep self.values = values @property def timestamps(self): return range(self.startTime, self.endTime, self.timeStep) def __iter__(self): return izip(self.timestamps, self.values) def __len__(self): return len(self.values)
[docs] def merge(self, other): for timestamp, value in other: if value is None: continue timestamp -= timestamp % self.timeStep if timestamp < self.startTime: continue index = int((timestamp - self.startTime) // self.timeStep) try: if self.values[index] is None: self.values[index] = value except IndexError: continue
[docs]class CorruptNode(Exception): def __init__(self, node, problem): Exception.__init__(self, problem) self.node = node self.problem = problem
[docs]class NoData(Exception): pass
[docs]class NodeNotFound(Exception): pass
[docs]class NodeDeleted(Exception): pass
[docs]class InvalidRequest(Exception): pass
[docs]class InvalidAggregationMethod(Exception): pass
[docs]class SliceGapTooLarge(Exception): "For internal use only"
[docs]class SliceDeleted(Exception): pass
[docs]def aggregate(aggregationMethod, values): # Filter out None values knownValues = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, values)) if len(knownValues) is 0: return None # Aggregate based on method if aggregationMethod == 'average': return float(sum(knownValues)) / float(len(knownValues)) elif aggregationMethod == 'sum': return float(sum(knownValues)) elif aggregationMethod == 'last': return knownValues[-1] elif aggregationMethod == 'max': return max(knownValues) elif aggregationMethod == 'min': return min(knownValues) else: raise InvalidAggregationMethod("Unrecognized aggregation method %s" % aggregationMethod)
[docs]def aggregateSeries(method, oldTimeStep, newTimeStep, values): # Aggregate current values to fit newTimeStep. # Makes the assumption that the caller has already guaranteed # that newTimeStep is bigger than oldTimeStep. factor = int(newTimeStep // oldTimeStep) newValues = [] subArr = [] for val in values: subArr.append(val) if len(subArr) == factor: newValues.append(aggregate(method, subArr)) subArr = [] if len(subArr): newValues.append(aggregate(method, subArr)) return newValues
[docs]def getTree(path): while path not in (os.sep, ''): if isdir(join(path, '.ceres-tree')): return CeresTree(path) path = dirname(path)
[docs]def setDefaultNodeCachingBehavior(behavior): global DEFAULT_NODE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR behavior = behavior.lower() if behavior not in ('none', 'all'): raise ValueError("invalid caching behavior '%s'" % behavior) DEFAULT_NODE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR = behavior
[docs]def setDefaultSliceCachingBehavior(behavior): global DEFAULT_SLICE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR behavior = behavior.lower() if behavior not in ('none', 'all', 'latest'): raise ValueError("invalid caching behavior '%s'" % behavior) DEFAULT_SLICE_CACHING_BEHAVIOR = behavior